Quotes containing the word curtailment 1 It hardly matters why a library is destroyed every banning, curtailment, shredding, plunder or loot gives rise (at least as a ghostly presence) to a louder, clearer, more durable library of the banned, looted, plundered, shredded or curtailed Alberto Manguel, The Library at NightSubject to little fluctuation Usage the economy is stableVerb shelter in a stable Example stable
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Economically stable synonym-Growth economic sustainability n # economics economic security n # economics financial stability nFind 79 ways to say STABLE, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesauruscom, the world's most trusted free thesaurus

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500 antonyms and synonyms list pdf a to z All antonyms and synonyms are selected, and very important for any Competitive Exam, Class/GradeHere's a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead Adjective Of good financial standing solid secure creditworthy firm solvent fitSynonyms for financially stable Compare Synonyms firm fit solid stable able to pay in the pink out of the red
Synonyms for 'stable' reliable, trustworthy, consistent, sound, secure, dependable, responsible, steady, reputable, as good as your wordStabilizingEarlier verbs in the same sense were stabilitate (1640s) and simple stable (v) "make steady or firm, make stable" (c 1300), from Old French establir1 belonging or relating to the whole the overall view seems to be that we're doing fine economically Synonyms for overall acrosstheboard, blanket, broadbrush, common, general, generic,
Stable (n) early 13c, "building or enclosure where horses or cows are kept, building for domestic animals," from Old French stable, estable "a stable, stall" (Modern French étable), also applied to cowsheds and pigsties, from Latin stabulum "a stall, fold, aviary, beehive, lowly cottage, brothel, etc," literally "a standing place," from PIE *stedhlo, suffixed form of root *sta"to stand Usage a healthy economy Similar words solid Definition financially sound Usage the bank is solid and will survive this attack Similar words stable Definition firm and dependable;Stable Economy synonyms 16 Words and Phrases for Stable Economy solid economy n sound economy n balanced economy n established economy n

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Top free images & vectors for Economically stable synonyms in png, vector, file, black and white, logo, clipart, cartoon and transparentNot easily moved or disturbed a house built on stable ground;Economically viable Adjective Characterized by selfsupport selfsupporting independent selfreliant selfsufficient selfsustaining selfcontained

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Learn the definition of 'economically sound' Check out the pronunciation, synonyms and grammar Browse the use examples 'economically sound' in the great English corpusNoun The state of being stable 'Preserving their own economic stability in the medium term is the best any countries can now hope for' 'My Government will maintain its key commitment to economic stability and growth' 'He has junked safety and economic stability for the average citizen and pursued his own aims' 4 Stable Means that something or someone is not likely to change, and is firmly fixed A structure, or other noun can be stable This is a term often associated with markets and economies It is a term also used to describe a patient's medical condition

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Economically definition 1 using little money, time, etc 2 in a way that relates to a country's trade, industry, and Learn moreNoun a farm building for housing horses or other livestock Synonyms horse barn, stalls;Resistant to change of position or condition "a stable ladder" "a stable peace" "a stable relationship" " stable prices" Synonyms constant steadfast in purpose or devotion or affection lasting, permanent

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Mature Economy A mature economy is the situation where the country's population has stabilized or is in decline, and where the pace of economic growth has also slowed A population has stabilized Synonyms stable Definition resistant to change of position or condition Usage a stable ladder;Stabilize 1 v support or hold steady and make steadfast, with or as if with a brace Synonyms brace , stabilise , steady Types ballast make steady with a ballast guy steady or support with a guy wire or cable Type of beef up , fortify , strengthen make strong or stronger v make stable and keep from fluctuating or put into an equilibrium

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Similar words for Destabilisation Definition noun the action of destabilizing;1 marked by the ability to withstand stress without structural damage or distortion the observation tower is stable enough to withstand the strongest winds without collapsing Synonyms for stable bombproof, fast, firm, sound, stalwart,Stable lad noun stable lass noun close the stable door after the horse has bolted phrase DEFINITIONS 4 1 not changing frequently and not likely to suddenly become worse People have become accustomed to a stable economic situation The marine environment is relatively stable Children benefit from stable relationships within the family unit

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A stable economy/country/government financially / economically / politically stable The company must now focus on operating a more efficient and stable supply chainIt is the heartland of Canadian commerce with a financial services infrastructure that is economically stable, credible and strong Common crawl Although Major continued to defend Britain's membership of the ERM, stating that "the ERM was the medicine to cure the ailment, but it was not the ailment", the disaster of Black Wednesday left the Definitions of "Stable" as a noun Synonyms of "Stable" as a noun (2 Words) Stable as an Adjective Definitions of "Stable" as an adjective Synonyms of "Stable" as an adjective (42 Words) Usage Examples of "Stable" as an adjective Associations of "Stable" (30 Words) The synonyms of "Stable" are static, unchanging, firm, solid, steady, secure, fixed, strong, fast,

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